Shock OS 9.0 BETA

Released January 19, 2024. You may wish to read the release notes. NOTE: This is a BETA release and is NOT recommended for daily use. This image is for testing purposes only. Users of this BETA image will NOT be able to upgrade to the stable release. If you encounter any issues with the BETA image, please report them here.


The 64-bit image increases performance and allows full RAM utilization for systems with 4+ GB of RAM. Most software and hardware accessories are compatible. If you are using a Raspberry Pi 4, 400, or 5, this will most likely be the best option.

For security reasons, verifying your image is highly recommended. Once installed, make sure the SHA256SUM of the file you downloaded matches the one here:



The 32-bit image has limited performance, and RAM usage is restricted for systems with 4+ GB of RAM. This image is offered to support older Pi models, as well as software and hardware accessories that are currently incompatible with the 64-bit release. If you are using a Raspberry Pi 3 or older, this will most likely be the best option.

For security reasons, verifying your image is highly recommended. Once installed, make sure the SHA256SUM of the file you downloaded matches the one here:
